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Conférence de rentrée 2023 : Anna Marmodoro

Publié le 6 septembre 2023 Mis à jour le 6 septembre 2023

Conférence de rentrée du Centre de recherche en Philosophie

Jeudi 21 septembre 2023, 17h00-18h30

Anna Marmodoro (Durham University) :

Aristotle’s Parmenidean Essentialism

It is a (philosophical) commonplace to think that Parmenides’ philosophical influence on Western thought is all or mainly due to his ban of change, understood as the passage from being to non-being and vice versa. Here I argue that the most influential philosophical idea Parmenides bequeathed to us is a criterion for substancehood, according to which there is no division of any kind between a substance and what makes it what it is (its essence, in Aristotelian terms). This is a type of essentialism which denies ‘essential predication’ and all types of substance-making-relations. I call it Parmenidean Essentialism. I contend that it is different from today’s essentialism (wrongly, I contend, attributed to Aristotle), according to which substances are characterised by essential properties, whose lack they cannot survive. I show that Aristotle (following Plato) endorsed Parmenides’ criterion for substancehood, and in conceiving of his physical substances as kath’ auto beings, identified and responded to various ‘threats’ of division within a substance. Such ‘threats’ arise from a substance’s qualitative complexity, its mereological complexity, its hylomorphic complexity, and the complexity of property-instantiation. I examine the metaphysical ‘mechanisms’ Aristotle developed to address such ‘threats’ of division within a substance, and argue he did so successfully.

Bibliothèque du CIERL, Av. F. Roosevelt 17, 1050 Bruxelles

La conférence sera suivie d’un drink. Entrée libre.


le 21 septembre 2023

Bibliothèque du CIERL, Av. F. Roosevelt 17, 1050 Bruxelles